On Sunday we went to Ojo de Agua, which is a water park that is located close to Cuernavaca. We spent the day soaking up the sun and playing on the slides and in the water like little kids. It was SO much fun! It is so strange to think that it is almost the middle of October and we are going to water parks and wearing shorts and tank tops, when the trees are changing and the mountains are getting snow in Colorado. It will be a real shock when I return to Colorado and it is winter.
This is a picture of me in the bathroom stalks at the water park. I guess they didn't take into consideration that not all people are short. There is no sense of privacy when you can see over the top of the stalks and people can see you...it was very comical to the girls.

The girls and I getting all ready for our day in the sun! I was the momma bear making sure that everyone had plenty of sunscreen...unfortunately Ashley ended up getting burnt to a crisp anyway.
Looks like you had fun, you goof ball! Hope it made your mosquito and ant bites feel better. That just looks nasty! You be careful that you don't get sick from those bites... I can't wait to see you when you get back! Love you lots!
Aunt Stacey
Ojo de Agua Water Park Rocks!!
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