Friday, October 10, 2008

Our trip to the Zoofari.....the drive thru Mexican zoo

Last weekend we went to the Zoofari, which is the Mexican version of a zoo. You can drive/walk through the park and see all the animals. We bought little buckets of food to feed the animals. Parts of the park are open range for the animals so they bombard you when they see that you have food....kinda scary. This zebra was literally right next to our car and we were able to feed him. He was so beautiful.

Me and the girls after our picnic break! Uno, dos, tres....queso!

YES!! I am totally feeding a griaffe and an elephant!!! It was so cool. Never would I think I would feed these animals by hand...only in Mexico!

We had a great day exploring the Zoofari. The only thing I would have changed would have been all of the red, fire ants. I have bites all over my legs that itch and burn like CRAZY! No me gusta ormigas! (I don't like ants!)

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