Monday, November 3, 2008

My tribute to my loved ones......xoxo!!

So the tradition in Mexico is to light candles for your loved ones that have passed away so that they can see the light and find their way back to you. I decided to take part in this tradition and I lit four candles of my own for my loved ones who are no longer with us: Grandpa Len, Grandpa Heidi, Uncle John, and Cousin Sara. When you light the candle you say a prayer and thank God for the time you were able to have with the person and then you let the candle burn all the way down. Once the candle has burned all the way down, you blow them out and say another pray for all people who have passed away and thank God for their lives.
I thank God for the time I was able to have with each of my four loved ones, however short, and I cherish the memories I have with each of them. I know that each of them follow me around and look over me with care. I can feel their presence near me and I know they are all here with me in Mexico. I miss Grandpa Len, Grandpa Heidi, Uncle John, and Cousin Sara very much, but I am so thankful for each of their lives and the time I was able to have with them. All four of them taught me something special about life. I miss them, but I know that each of them lives on through each of their children and their children's children. I love you, Grandpa Len, Grandpa Heidi, Uncle John and Cousin Sara! xoxo


Anonymous said...

Katie ~
That is so neat and what a special way to look at life. Even though someone we love is gone, we should remember them and celebrate their lives. I'm sure you can share with us all kinds of rituals and beliefs that are different and neat when you get back. Take care and hope to see you shortly after you get back. I love you!
Aunt Stacey

Anonymous said...

What an awesome way to remember those who are not with us!!
xoxo LEIGH

Anonymous said...

How much you've grown since beginning this adventure as evidenced by your blog. It is so inspiring to read your posts each and every time. You are one amazing daughter of the King! Gayle